Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEO. Show all posts





Writing a blog post and getting visitors to this blogpost is very easy. In order to get the right traffic to your blog through search engine you should optimise your blog post so that those search engine can find your site for ranking. The blogosphere is a big and busy world with over 100 million blogs and growing.

How do you attract visitors to your blog?

Follow these simple tips to drive traffic to your blog.

  • Include keywords in your title
  • Include keywords in your post tags
  • Set your custom premlinks to your blog title
  • keep your keyword density 2-3% of the word count of your blog post
  • interlink with other posts using keywords
  • add targeted image with alt tags
  • highlight post titles with h1 and h2 tags
  • allow comment on your blog and give replay to each comment
  • Submit your blog post to social bookmarking sites.
  • Add links to your socialmedia sites
  • Translate your content into other languages
  • Submit your blog to blog directories
  • Leave a Comment with your link on other blogs
  • Use offline methods to promote tour blog
  • Using paid methods like google adword and facebook ad






1. Social media. Join social media and sumbit your articles there. works best for this purpose. Join, create your profile, start digging interesting articles and submit your own blog post. By submitting your blog article into, Google will index your submission and will rank it. Couple of hours after the submission, your article page will be in Google search engine results. Search for your article title and you will be in the top 10! can do the same as Digg, just with a bit different process. Join FriendFeed and create your profile. Add your StumbleUpon profile, your Digg profile, your Twitter profile into your FriendFeed. Also include your blogs RSS news feed into your profile. Now when you post a new blog article on your blog, it will automatically show in your FriendFeed profile, Google will index it and your FriendFeed profile with a link to your latest blog post will rank high in Google search result pages. Search for your article title and you will be in the top 10!

• StumbleUpon is similar to the first two. Only thing is that your blog article will not show in the top 10 at Google automatically after your submission. You will need some thumbs-up and reviews to make your blog article popular within StumbleUpon before Google indexes it. Here are the simple steps on how to make your blog articles popular in StumbleUpon.

2. Discussion forums. Find relevant discussion forums, create your profile, and start being helpful by writing useful responses to questions relevant to your blog content. When you feel confident enough in the forum, create a whole new thread with your article title as the thread name. Copy/paste your entire article in the thread and let forum visitors read the whole article without leaving the forum. You should include couple of links to your blog before, within, and after the article content.

Google will scan the forum, and will scan your thread and will indexed it fairly quickly. Search for your blog title on Google and you will shop in the top 10. Forums I use personally are and Go to Google and search for “10 Simple Steps To Increase Blog Traffic Via StumbleUpon” to see this in action.