If you have idea to an able the kindle e book to your website here is the way to surprise you by a small method on it ,if You have been using the images and videos to complement of the text contents to your website but do you know know that it is also possible to be embed sample ebook into your own website or an web pages are else your blog?
Amazon and th great Google Books are home to thousands and thousands of ebooks they have do allow other related websites to embed these ebook code with a few line in to your content . Amazon lets you to embed a few sample chapters from the book while case of Google Books, you can embed the whole e-book provided it is in public domain or free on it.i fu have amazan affiliate program
How to Embed Kindle Books
here is the way to embed it a Kindle ebook on your website sooner, all you need to know is the ASIN code of the ebook and you are good to go it so. This unique code can be easily found on the product pages of any Amazon title book.
The Kindle ebooks can been embedded either using JavaScript (see example) or even the IFRAME tag in case you aren’t allowed to include JavaScript in your web pages.
Kindle Embeds with JavaScript
<div id='Kindle-Reader'></div> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://kindleweb.s3.amazonaws.com/app/KindleReader-min.js'></script> <script>KindleReader.LoadSample({ containerID: 'Kindle-Reader', width: '600', height: '800', asin: 'B0049U4CCE',assoctag: 'labnol-20'}); </script>
kindle embeded code with IE Frame on it
<iframe height="800" width="600" frameborder="0" src="http://kindleweb.s3.amazonaws.com/app/"> </iframe>
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balaji srinvasan